Blustag has had several litters between late 2009 and early 2010 (and at least one other breeder has had) that have produced F2 and F3 wolfdog puppies (parents: Heidi, Skye, Summer & Jodie). Several puppies of these litters have found/are finding there way to TDR registered 'breeders' in the United States (Alabama and North Carolina are two locations). If you are looking for a Tamaskan puppy, take note of the parentage, and if any of the dogs have any of the above 4 as their parents, be aware that you are not receiving a truly domesticated puppy by legal definition, but either an F2 or F3 wolfdog. If you are pursuing any of these lines, please do your homework into wolfdog ownership, containment and medical care so that your family is prepared and well-equipped for the requirements of responsible wolfdog ownership.