As already stated, the obsessive fixation that the TDR and its constituents have shown towards monitoring our daily activities is scary, to say the least. Website visitor statistics show several of their supporters visiting our sites 3,4,5 even 6 times a day. (Can anyone say 'stalker'?!) Their continued attempts to have websites shut down, their campaigns to contact people who have chosen not to purchase puppies from them (and who have never communicated with them at all) is nothing short of a "riot" mentality... and that's what blind faith produces.
We have asked to be left alone. We have made it clear that we want NOTHING to do with them. We have designated a different breed with a different breed standard as what we are pursuing. But, they continue their assault ... and you have to wonder why, don't you? If they're so happy to be "rid" of us, why do they stalk and obsess over us with such persistence. Of course, they have had to make up stories as to why we all LEFT the TDR rather than admit their parts and the real reasons behind the resignations.
Some of us have also been accused of "doctoring" or "concocting" emails as false evidence against them. That statement is apparently a self-projection of their own thoughts and activities. None of us even knew that was possible (of course with Blufawn as the webmaster for most TDR sites since the days they were involved with the Utonagan, she would know). Emails have already been verified by legal and technical sources to be legitimate and original compositions. I guess that's how guilty minded think ... believing everyone else feels it's ok to participate in such activities as they have.
On the TDR's forum 4/30/10, Lynn Sharkey has once again begun a campaign for her blind followers to submit complaints to one of our breeder website hosts, just as they have made their goal since November 2009. Really, shouldn't their energies be focused on bettering and making higher their own standards for ethics, health and truth? But, then again, that is impossible, as they would have to admit all the lies they've told to date.
Again we say ... we are not seeking you out. We are not participating in your forums. We are not trawling the internet for ways to malign you. We actually have jobs and lives to lead, including focusing on producing a HEALTHY AATU TAMASKAN.
5/15/10 - I joined a DOG FORUM that used to be run by TDR committee members, as it has now been converted to an all dog breeds forum. WOW! It's amazing how the attacks started from my first hello. It was like a shark feeding frenzy. But, the truth is always fear-instilling to those with so much to hide. Oh, and the LIES!!!!! It amazes me still after all this time ... i guess there are no mirrors in their homes. How possibly could they look at themselves. Oh, and yeah, the threat of "lawsuit". Well, our fable site only shows a small glimpse of the information obtained regarding their false claims (pedigree and health). I say, let's get over the threats and let's do it.