Today, it was noted that there are plans to breed Vixen @ Sylvaen with the stud Apache Horse (information to come).

Interestingly, Sylvaen was the first to shoot off her 'opinions' when a piebald inkspot puppy was born in January 2010 out of two TDR registered Tamaskans, stating that it couldn't possibly be a Tamaskan.  Yet now she recognizes it as a potential fault.  Even more interesting, she owns a half-brother and sister, Jasper and  Vixen (both out of Jackal at Blustag).  Jasper is a monorchid (confirmed in open forum and in email communications).  Vixen is listed as being due a litter in May 2010, but there appears to be a huge cloud of secrecy as to who the sire is.  Could this be a Jasper x Vixen litter that they don't want advertised... a monorchid (who was supposed to have been neutered, as she stated he would be), with another monorchid carrier (as Vixen's brother Apache was a monorchid) and half-siblings.  After all, Blustag did say that she could breed Jasper to the right girl (email communications show this).  The questions are there, aren't they?  SECRET REVEALED:  Vixen is having a litter with Jasper, her half-brother and a monorchid.  Now they CLAIM it was an accidental litter, but that is highly doubtful.  It is amazing what they will do and cover up to meet their own agendas.

When the TDR states that it has 'removed' those breeding lines with certain health issues, they fail to mention that they have done that only to the extent they want to change their rules to meet their own current agendas.  The information they have provided is inaccurate and incomplete and is solely an attempt to placate the public since their "honor" has been brought into question.

Additionally, recent updates to the Health Database created by the TDR show an incomplete list of dogs that have produced monorchids. We have already established MANY times that both dam and sire have to be monorchid carriers in order to produce monorchids.  In view of the information presented by the TDR, why is it that Blufawn bred Nevada to Dingo/Jackal, known monorchid producers?  She knows that Nevada is out of Tumanra and Banjo, both of whom have produced monorchid puppies. [While she fails to list Tumanra as a monorchid producer in this list, as stated above (that both parents have to be carriers), she does state that Nevada produced a monorchid.   Nevada is out of Banjo (Blustag Star Burst) and Tumanra.  Knowing that Banjo produced monorchids, and the fact that Nevada is a monorchid only further confirms the TDR's refusal to acknowledge ALL monorchid carriers and producers in the Tamaskan lines, including Tumanra (who by the way has produced several monorchids with Raan, another dog they conveniently leave off the list).

In-depth research and a comparison of lines shows one thing:  virtually ALL Tamaskan lines are affected by monorchidism.  Therefore, there is no "experimenting" to be done when you know two dogs have already produced monorchid puppies.  How can you claim experimentation or ignorance?  The information and facts are clear ... of course, as  has been established elsewhere, owning up to the truth is not a virtue of TDR committee members. Instead, they choose to toot their own horns as "experienced" breeders, when that experience has only led to more issues and questions than not.