* AND THEY'RE AT IT AGAIN ... or should I say STILL??? It is amazing and absolutely HYSTERICAL that the TDR and its cronies continue to expend so much energy on what WE'RE doing and trying to discredit us. (They spent more time trying to find dirt on lines we are looking to introduce than on ways to get rid of the health issues they keep producing... very sad!) We've already stated we are not affiliated with them.  We've already made it abundantly clear that we want NOTHING to do with them and will remain as distant from them as possible. We've already stated our intent to work on introducing new lines and breeds towards the goal of producing the Aatu Tamaskan (which takes time). Yet they continue to seek us out and make our actions a main focus of their daily activities. [Geez, they spend more time on their forum badmouthing us and coddling the guilty than finding resolutions to the many problems existing in their breeding programs.] Really ... a very scary fixation and obsession when you think about it. And their assumptions.... Well, you know what they say when one assumes. 
Should they not be more concerned about what is happening in their OWN back yard and in their own lines? I mean, really, they have SOOOOOOOOO much to worry about with what they're doing (although time is already showing what we foretold would happen within their breeding programs). But, if everyone just keeps LISTENING to what they're being told rather than doing the research for themselves (dozens of resources available), then they feel secure in creating blind followers rather than prudent investigators willing to stand for something bigger than themselves... THE TRUTH. Sad but funny!

And Lynn Sharkey states we've never met or spoken with her ... that's funny.  We were only involved with her and the TDR for close to two years and have hundreds of emails.  

* How funny!!! Sylvaen, a staunch TDR advocate and TDR supporter (really a mini-Blustag in action and words) states on her website that anyone claiming Aatu in front of Tamaskan is not breeding genuine Tamaskans. Well, first of all DUH! While our foundation stock is TDR registered Tamaskans, we are working on a new breed and aren't looking to breed "genuine" Tamaskans by TDR standards. But, with a comment like that, really, I wonder: Would she say that anyone with Belgian, Anatolian, Alsation, etc. is not breeding a true Shepherd. HELLO!! Different breeds, all stemming from a similar background.

* Blustag and Blufawn, as well as their constituents, malign us by stating we are not producing 'genuine' Tamaskans (even though our stock is TDR registered). Yet, we already make repeated statements that we have resigned from the TDR and are NOT affiliated with the them in any way, shape or form (voluntarily so), and that we are working towards creating another breed. Then, in the next breath (and on their sites), they say that we are not TDR registered breeders. Make up your minds! And get it straight... we voluntarily resigned after almost 2 years involvement with the TDR,  and our stock IS TDR registered, therefore they ARE genuine Tamaskans.  Our Tamaskan breeding stock is now re-registered and referred to as Aatu Tamaskan. (I believe that's exactly what Blustag did, renaming Utonagans and high content wolfdogs as Tamaskan... but at least we acknowledge where our dogs came from, including the breeders.)  As we introduce new lines, eventually all our breeding stock will be Aatu.] Come on ... is this really sooo hard to understand?

*  The TDR forum contains an extensive page called Facts v. Fiction.  What is so funny about that?  They actually add more FICTION than fact.  And it is all personal opinion and fabrication.